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ActionPeace SitWake Up London

Meditation Flashmob – Peace Garden – IMP War Museum – Friday 7th August 7pm

Wake Up Peace Garden

Join us to sit at The Peace Gardens in the grounds of the Imperial War Museum on Friday August 7th for our next meditation flashmob.

We will be in or around the gardens (depending on numbers) from 7 and will sit in mindful silence from around 7.15 to 7.45

All welcome.

“Can we go in the direction of compassion?

If we can we know peace is possible, for ourselves and
our society.

The way we live our lives is our message”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Peace SitWake Up London

Meditation Flashmob Friday 24th July – Potters Fields – City Hall/Summer of Love 2015

Come join us to sit in peace at Potters Fields – City Hall, our next Summer of Love event

We’ll meet at 7 and sit in mindful silence for half an  hour.

City Hall London copy

To Meditate

To meditate does not mean to struggle with a problem
To meditate means to observe

We pay attention to our breath, as we breathe in,body, breath, and mind—come together.

We know peace is possible
This is working for peace


Pictures of Green Earth Awakening camp last July

Wake Up volunteers Jasmine, Elina, Tom M, Tom G, Nina, Kareem and Joe went to Buddhafield’s Green Earth Awakening camp in July 2014 deep in the Somerset countryside and offered two mindfulness workshops (and had lots of fun too).

PressWake Up London

Wake Up London wins “Spiritual Community Initiative” award

Kindred Spirit award

We are very happy to have won The Spiritual Community Initiative Award 2015 at the Kindred Spirit Awards ceremony during the MindBodySpirit London Wellbeing Festival 2015 on Saturday 2nd May.

Thank you Kindred Spirit Magazine for shortlisting us, thank you to all our friends who voted for us, and thank you to all beings in the world who are enjoying their breaths in the spirit of community!

Watch the award ceremony where Wake Up London members Joe and Steven joyfully accepts the award at 6.25 minutes in:

“When You Breathe You Can Already Celebrate Life” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

News & EventsPlum VillageRetreats

Plum Village Monastics’ UK Visit this August

We are so happy to be able to share with you these wonderful gifts offered by Thich Nhat Hanh’s monastic community this August and organized by The Community of Interbeing UK.

The Miracle of Mindfulness Retreat – 24-29th August 2015

Stourbridge, West Midlands (nr Birmingham)

As well as offering daily dharma talks, monks and nuns, students of Thich Nhat Hanh will be offering their wisdom, practice and peaceful presence in all aspects of the retreat, which, will include programmes for under-5s, children up to 13, teenagers and young adults (Wake Up) and is open to all, whether experienced in mindfulness meditation or a complete beginner.

Bursaries available to those who might otherwise be unable to attend.

More information

The Miracle of Mindfulness Public Talk – 22nd August 2015

Logan Hall, London

You are invited to join the monks and nuns of Plum Village, exploring the practice of mindfulness through listening deeply, meditation, chanting and singing.

This is a wonderful opportunity for people from all cultures, different faiths and none, to come together to experience the transformational practices of mindfulness and liberation.

More information



International Day of Happiness



Join us for a Positive Message Flash Mob on the International Day of Happiness – 20 March.

With paper, pens and paint we’ll be joining together to show morning commuters the world can be a happier and more connected place.

Facebook event

What exactly is a positive message flash-mob?
It’s very simple really. A small (or large!) group of people meet up and create personalised or hand-made inspiring messages on cardboard signs and use these to connect with and cheer up passers-by. It always gets a very positive response – people can’t help smiling and making a connection, even if just for a few seconds. And it’s a wonderful thing to be part of too.

Why join one?
March 20 is the UN International Day of Happiness and this year it’s all about connection. Our connections with others are the most important contributor to happiness – yet in modern societies we are surrounded by people and feel connected to almost none of them. We could change this in a day if everyone reached out and made at least one positive connection – so join a positive flash mob and help make your city a happier and more connected place.

How do I make a positive message sign?
We’ll make sure there is plenty of cardboard, pens and paints that you flash-mobbers can use to make your signs – but if you prefer to prepare your sign from home, great! Make your words BIG and BRIGHT, and keep the message as SHORT as possible. Try to use words that will appeal to people from all walks of life.

You can join us for a sign making session the evening before.

Check out the website to find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved.

News & EventsPlum VillageRetreatsWake Up International

Wake Up in Plum Village this Spring!

We’re happy to announce that there will be a retreat for young mindfulness practitioners from 17-24 April in Plum Village, France.

If you are aged 18-35(ish), are based in (or come from) the UK or Ireland, and would like to enjoy a week in Plum Village together experiencing the mindfulness practices of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, then please register here.


Once you register, you will need to make a payment to secure your place.


In our week together in Plum Village, we have the precious opportunity to take a break and enjoy being in the beautiful nature of South-Western France, where several monks, nuns, young men and young women will together create a joyful, refreshing and peaceful retreat.

You will have the chance to learn and experience the art of sitting meditation, deep total relaxation and walking meditation on the legendary Plum Village paths through fields and forests. We will learn how to really be there for ourselves and for each other, and to really listen to our own hearts and to one another. We will live together simply, healthily and joyfully – with music, dance, games, maybe hikes and bonfires.

This is a wonderful opportunity to bring together all the Wake Up sanghas and young mindfulness practitioners in the UK & Ireland to nourish and deepen our connections, and enjoy being together in this special place as one rich and diverse community.

To find out more about your stay in Plum Village, please go to their website for more information.


Retreat contribution

Plum Village monastery is a non-profit charitable organization run entirely by donations. The retreat contribution includes the cost of your accommodation and three meals a day. The contribution will depend on the type of accommodation you choose when registering:

  • Camping (tent or van – please bring your own): £150
  • Dormitory: £225
  • 3 or 4-bed room: £320
  • 2-bed room: £370
Plum Village are generously offering a discount of up to £75 for camping, or up to £100 on other options, for those who would otherwise be unable to afford this retreat. We invite you to select the option which is most appropriate to your needs and ability to pay during registration – the options are:
  • No discount requested
  • £25 discount
  • £50 discount
  • £75 discount
  • £100 discount (not available for camping)

A slideshow of pictures from the International Wake Up retreat in Plum Village 2013

Wake Up UK Bursary Fund

We are grateful to Plum Village for offering significant discounts to make the retreat fee affordable to us. However, we do understand that there may be some of you who may still not be able to afford the fee due to various circumstances. It is our deep aspiration of Wake Up UK to make the practice of mindfulness as accessible to as many young people as possible, therefore we have created a Bursary Fund to enable this.

It is thanks to the generosity of The Community of Interbeing UK for their donation that we are able to offer bursaries.

The fund is made up of £1,500 and an individual can apply for any amount up to £200. To apply for this bursary, please email and write the following:

1. Your aspiration to visit Plum Village
2. Your current financial circumstances and reasons for seeking assistance
3. What you are able to contribute towards the retreat fee
4. Amount you would like to apply for – please note that we cannot guarantee we will be able to meet your request.

Your application will be made anonymous and reviewed in confidence by a 5-person Wake Up UK bursaries group, with input from an impartial adviser from another Community of Interbeing sangha.

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Mindful content from our community

Wake Up London is a community of individuals practicing together to promote peace and reconciliation within ourselves and for our planet. We’d love to highlight what’s happening within our community, and how the practice is positively impacting our society.
