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Buddhist Climate Change Statement to World Leaders 2015

On 29th October, Thich Nhat Hanh, together with fourteen other most senior Buddhist leaders including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, have issued a landmark international Buddhist Statement on Climate Change announced to world leaders. The statement calls upon these leaders to adopt an effective climate change agreement at the upcoming UN negotiations in Paris (COP21) starting 30 November. This is the first time so many Buddhist luminaries have come together on any global issue to speak with one voice.

Read the statement here where you are also invited to add you name to endorse it. Read the news article coming from the Plum Village website.

Please also see the ‘Time to Act is Now: A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change’ which the GBCCC statement endorses as well.

PressWake Up London

Wake Up London wins “Spiritual Community Initiative” award

Kindred Spirit award

We are very happy to have won The Spiritual Community Initiative Award 2015 at the Kindred Spirit Awards ceremony during the MindBodySpirit London Wellbeing Festival 2015 on Saturday 2nd May.

Thank you Kindred Spirit Magazine for shortlisting us, thank you to all our friends who voted for us, and thank you to all beings in the world who are enjoying their breaths in the spirit of community!

Watch the award ceremony where Wake Up London members Joe and Steven joyfully accepts the award at 6.25 minutes in:

“When You Breathe You Can Already Celebrate Life” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

ActionPressWake Up London

Vote for Wake Up London!

Kindred Spirit Magazine have announced their awards list for 2015 with an inclusion this year for Wake Up London!KSAwards-banner-400px

Their annual awards celebrate creativity and positive action by groups and individuals they have featured in the magazine. Wake Up London have been nominated for the ‘Community Initiative’ section for ‘organisations undertaking important social/spiritual work’.

The magazine are inviting external votes. If you would like Wake Up London to receive recognition for our work, please either vote online here: or purchase the Spring issue next week to vote by post. All entries will be entered into a prize draw.


Peace SitPressWake Up London

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mohandas Gandhi

Dear friends,

Just a little message to express my deepest gratitude to those who came to sit with us in Covent Garden on Tuesday 28th June. I’m still beaming from this experience, my heart feeling so warm and wholesome from connecting with new friends on this path.

Credit: Nicolas Laborie

Some wonderful photos have been shared with us already, look here
and a couple of videos are currently being made and will be posted on here soon.

I also wanted to let you know that we were featured in yesterday’s Evening Standard newspaper on page 26!

Other mentions are in Shambhala Sun and….How amazing that our actions are being recognised like this!

A great article has also been written by Kenneth Bok.

I also wanted to let you know about the date for the NEXT one and this will be a GLOBAL meditation flash mob, coordinated with over 50 cities across the world. Together, we’ll be creating a giant world wide meditation community! So please, save this date: Thursday 28th July, evening time – exact location in London not yet decided….

Keep in touch by adding us as a friend on Facebook if you like and we’ll invite you to the next event. Or you could send us an email to wkuplondon AT to be kept updated. With thanks to MED MOB for organizing this amazing global movement.

Sending much joy and love to nourish your kind and beautiful hearts.

The Wake Up London Sangha

Mindful content from our community

Wake Up London is a community of individuals practicing together to promote peace and reconciliation within ourselves and for our planet. We’d love to highlight what’s happening within our community, and how the practice is positively impacting our society.

There will be no Wake Up this weekend (August 31st) due to a wedding at the Quaker House. Our next session will be on September 7th.
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