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Stepping into Freedom: A Special Evening with “The Way Out Is In”

Join us on April 5th at Conway Hall, London, for a special live recording of the Plum Village podcast “The Way Out Is In.” Experience a mindful journey into freedom with Zen monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach Jo Confino. The evening will feature an interactive Q&A session, deepening our collective understanding of mindfulness and inner peace.

For tickets and more information, please visit:

ActionNews & EventsPeace SitWake Up London

Meditate for Peace at the Arms Fair – September 5th


Meditate for Peace at the Arms Fair 

On Tuesday 5th of September Wake Up London will be joining the Interfaith Day of Action to raise awareness around the issue of arms trading.

Together with many other activist groups we will gather at the Excel Centre uniting around our belief in peace.

We’ll be sitting from 10.15am – 10.45am. Please bring something to sit on and signs and banners are welcome. The day will continue with many vigils, prayers and talks from other groups. There will also be a shared lunch at 1.15pm.

We will meet outside the Prince Regent DLR/Bus station at 9.30am and walk down together. If you arrive later please look here on the Facebook event page and we will update it where the sit will be. (It will be a short walk from the meeting place outside the Excel Centre).

ActionPlum VillageReading

Plum Village’s Call to Action: People’s Climate Prayer

Plum Village released a letter yesterday calling our international community of mindfulness practitioners to come together to engage in awakened action from Nov. 29 to Dec.11 during the Paris Climate Summit.

Please read the letter here.

“When we meditate together and walk mindfully together, we amplify the power of our mindfulness, concentration and compassion. This strong energy of collective awareness will be felt in the world. It has the power to re-establish the Earth’s equilibrium and restore balance, since we are nothing less than Mother Earth herself. Our actions will lead to collective insight, collective awakening, and collective change.”

Wake Up London members are organizing a Meditation Gathering for Climate Action in Hyde Park before joining the People’s March on Sunday 29th November. All are welcome!

A few other recent links for inspiration on climate action:

With peaceful steps on the Earth,
Wake Up UK friends


Calais collection at Saturday Wake Up this week (12th September)


In response to the news of the refugee struggle we would like to invite you to bring
1 or 2 items to Sangha next week that we will then transport to a pickup point on Sunday.
Please see this notice for what is asked for.
Due to carriage (Joe on his bike!) we are limiting this collection –
here are the London drop off points in this Guardian article.
When you arrive on Saturday please add your items to the centrepiece.
ActionPeace SitWake Up London

Peace Sit at the DSEI Arms Fair, London Saturday September 12th 11.30am

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Meditation flash mob for peace at the DSEI arms fair, ExCel Centre as part of the Stop the Arms Fair week of action.

Saturday 12th September 11:30am.
All welcome.

The DSEI arms fair in London is connected to torture, war and repression around the world. It is one of the world’s biggest arms fair, where governments including repressive regimes with poor human rights records come to buy weapons.

At 11.30am, we will sit together as a community in meditation connecting with our peace, stability and compassion. We seek to make the link between peace in ourselves and peace in the world, highlighting the damage caused by the arms trade, while recognising the humanity of those involved.

LOCATION: The centre of the Sandstone Lane / Royal Albert way roundabout. Two minutes from Prince Regents DLR station and the nearest public land to the ExCel centre where the arms fair will be held.

Optional pre-meet in Cundy Park (next to Prince Regent DLR) from 10.45am. Come and make a placard. We will walk down to the roundabout together at 11.15am. (You may also like to consider bringing something to sit on.)

We will finish just after mid-day as the day of action begins (including art, music, poems, performances, people stories and tasty food!).

This flash mob is organised by Wake Up London, a meditation group practising in the style of Zen Buddhist and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. It is part of the Stop the Arms Fair week of action to challenge the arms fair before it begins on the 15th Sept. People of all backgrounds, ages, practices, faiths or of none welcome.

ActionPeace SitWake Up London

Meditation Flashmob – Peace Garden – IMP War Museum – Friday 7th August 7pm

Wake Up Peace Garden

Join us to sit at The Peace Gardens in the grounds of the Imperial War Museum on Friday August 7th for our next meditation flashmob.

We will be in or around the gardens (depending on numbers) from 7 and will sit in mindful silence from around 7.15 to 7.45

All welcome.

“Can we go in the direction of compassion?

If we can we know peace is possible, for ourselves and
our society.

The way we live our lives is our message”

Thich Nhat Hanh


Pictures of Green Earth Awakening camp last July

Wake Up volunteers Jasmine, Elina, Tom M, Tom G, Nina, Kareem and Joe went to Buddhafield’s Green Earth Awakening camp in July 2014 deep in the Somerset countryside and offered two mindfulness workshops (and had lots of fun too).


International Day of Happiness



Join us for a Positive Message Flash Mob on the International Day of Happiness – 20 March.

With paper, pens and paint we’ll be joining together to show morning commuters the world can be a happier and more connected place.

Facebook event

What exactly is a positive message flash-mob?
It’s very simple really. A small (or large!) group of people meet up and create personalised or hand-made inspiring messages on cardboard signs and use these to connect with and cheer up passers-by. It always gets a very positive response – people can’t help smiling and making a connection, even if just for a few seconds. And it’s a wonderful thing to be part of too.

Why join one?
March 20 is the UN International Day of Happiness and this year it’s all about connection. Our connections with others are the most important contributor to happiness – yet in modern societies we are surrounded by people and feel connected to almost none of them. We could change this in a day if everyone reached out and made at least one positive connection – so join a positive flash mob and help make your city a happier and more connected place.

How do I make a positive message sign?
We’ll make sure there is plenty of cardboard, pens and paints that you flash-mobbers can use to make your signs – but if you prefer to prepare your sign from home, great! Make your words BIG and BRIGHT, and keep the message as SHORT as possible. Try to use words that will appeal to people from all walks of life.

You can join us for a sign making session the evening before.

Check out the website to find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved.

ActionPressWake Up London

Vote for Wake Up London!

Kindred Spirit Magazine have announced their awards list for 2015 with an inclusion this year for Wake Up London!KSAwards-banner-400px

Their annual awards celebrate creativity and positive action by groups and individuals they have featured in the magazine. Wake Up London have been nominated for the ‘Community Initiative’ section for ‘organisations undertaking important social/spiritual work’.

The magazine are inviting external votes. If you would like Wake Up London to receive recognition for our work, please either vote online here: or purchase the Spring issue next week to vote by post. All entries will be entered into a prize draw.



7 Days of Acts of Kindness in November

World Kindness Day is coming up on the 13th of November and we have some exciting events taking place to celebrate kindness in London.

We invite you to take part in the 7 Days of Acts of Kindness experiment from the 1st to 7th November.

We suggest you could do a kind act under a different theme each day, which could include:
  • For a Parent/Sibling
  • For a Friend
  • For a Colleague
  • For the Earth
  • For the Community
  • For a Stranger
  • For a Mentor/Teacher
  • For a Neighbour
  • For a Grandparent, Elderly Person
 For ideas and inspiration, check out KindSpring.

We have set up a Facebook group for all participants – please join it and let us know your acts of kindness and how the experience was for you – in pictures, stories or videos!

Why should I do it? 
  • Leading research indicates that we can address ever-increasing imbalances in our society by changing the way we view and interact with the world.
  • We each are part of a whole and everything we do (every thought, word and deed) affects the whole.
  • Taking on a challenge as a group offers the opportunity to grow as a community.
  • It’s a great way to reinforce and build positive habits.
  • It’s a whole lot of fun!

Explore the science behind it

Other events

There will be an Evening of Songs, Stories and Inspiration on the 7th November 2014 with special guest Nimo of Empty Hands Music here to share his music and message alongside members of Wake Up London. See also Nimo’s other events in London.

And then on World Kindness Day itself, we’ll be organizing a flash mob of kindness acts at Southbank at 6.30pm. Please join us and bring your friends!

More links

10 Amazing Stories for World Kindness Day
Random Acts of Kindness Articles on The Huffington Post
Bernadette Russell’s 366 Days of Kindness Project
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation 

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Mindful content from our community

Wake Up London is a community of individuals practicing together to promote peace and reconciliation within ourselves and for our planet. We’d love to highlight what’s happening within our community, and how the practice is positively impacting our society.