World Kindness Day is coming up on the 13th of November and we have some exciting events taking place to celebrate kindness in London.
We invite you to take part in the 7 Days of Acts of Kindness experiment from the 1st to 7th November.
- For a Parent/Sibling
- For a Friend
- For a Colleague
- For the Earth
- For the Community
- For a Stranger
- For a Mentor/Teacher
- For a Neighbour
- For a Grandparent, Elderly Person
We have set up a Facebook group for all participants – please join it and let us know your acts of kindness and how the experience was for you – in pictures, stories or videos!
- Leading research indicates that we can address ever-increasing imbalances in our society by changing the way we view and interact with the world.
- We each are part of a whole and everything we do (every thought, word and deed) affects the whole.
- Taking on a challenge as a group offers the opportunity to grow as a community.
- It’s a great way to reinforce and build positive habits.
- It’s a whole lot of fun!
Other events
There will be an Evening of Songs, Stories and Inspiration on the 7th November 2014 with special guest Nimo of Empty Hands Music here to share his music and message alongside members of Wake Up London. See also Nimo’s other events in London.
And then on World Kindness Day itself, we’ll be organizing a flash mob of kindness acts at Southbank at 6.30pm. Please join us and bring your friends!
More links
10 Amazing Stories for World Kindness Day
Random Acts of Kindness Articles on The Huffington Post
Bernadette Russell’s 366 Days of Kindness Project
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation