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This time it’s global! Upcoming meditation flash mob in London

Join us in a global meditation flash mob co-ordinated with over 80 cities worldwide! The intention of the movement is to expose the world to meditation and expand positivity to every walk of life.

Come experience the power of collectively exuding peace and feel the impact we are having on our city by sitting together, silently radiating happiness and grace in all directions.

This is an event open to everyone, from every path, experienced or not. This is a movement that our entire world is creating together as one unified force to set the momentum for the future of our planet!

Now is the time to create the world we choose to live in!

Click here for the Facebook event invitation

When: Thursday 28th July 6:30pm to 7:10pm
Where: Potters Fields Park, next to City Hall, about ten minutes walk from London Bridge station and fifteen from Tower Hill. City Hall is the distinctive curved glass building which is home to the Mayor of London.

6:30pm to 7pm: Sitting meditation in Potter’s Field Park, in the space nearest to City Hall and the River Thames. Spread out across the park or the walkway, as you so wish.

You are welcome to go to the entire event or you can come for part of it. You can meditate the entire time, or you can chill and bask in the peace.

7pm to 7:10pm:
Optional sound bath: You can use any mantra or sound, for example, Om, Ah, Ong, Nah or any other sound that calls you personally. If you choose, move closer to one another, donate your physical presence, your positive energy, your voice. It’s also a lot of fun and just sounds awesome to everyone around.

7:10pm: End of sitting.

What to bring: Please feel free to bring your own cushion or stall for sitting meditation.

Bring Everyone! This is going to be a beautiful event that we will all remember!


“If you are a Buddhist, please come. If you are a Christian please
come. If you are Jewish, Muslim, or belong to or identify with any
other religions, creed, or peace organization, please come. If you are
white, brown, black, yellow, red or any other color, please come.

We shall learn together that wrong perceptions of self and others
are at the foundation of separation, fear, hate, and violence; and that
togetherness and collaboration is possible.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh


Our Goal:

1. To create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation.

2. To spread awareness of meditation to the public.

3. To come together as a community to send positive intentions out into the world.

4. To show that leading by example is the best way to lead. Simple acts can stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking


Pictures from the last meditation flash mob in Covent Garden:

Pictures of meditation flash mob in Covent Garden 28/06/2011

A video of our meditation flash mob in Trafalgar Square: [youtube=]

Check out the Guardian article written about the Trafalgar Square flash mob:

You can visit to see all the other cities who are joining us!

Poster for distribution:

Get in touch wkuplondon AT to stay updated and to sign up for future flash mobs.


Let’s have fun!

Let’s meditate!

Let’s thrive!



News & EventsPlum VillageRetreatsWake Up London

International young people’s retreat at Plum Village, France

We’re very happy to announce that Plum Village will be hosting our annual young people’s retreat again this Summer, in the Upper Hamlet, and this year it will be a full week long – starting on the afternoon of Monday August 22nd and finishing on the afternoon of Monday August 29th.

Registration is now open at:

Take a break from stress and busyness, and come and join us in the beautiful nature of South-Western France, where several hundred young monks, nuns, young men and young women will together create a joyful, refreshing and peaceful retreat. You will have the chance to learn and experience the arts of sitting meditation, deep total relaxation and walking meditation on our legendary paths through fields and forests. We will learn how to really be there for ourselves and for each other, and to really listen to our own hearts and to one another. We will live together simply, healthily and joyfully – with music, dance, sport, hikes and bonfires.

What more could we possibly want?

Facebook event invitation here:!/event.php?eid=213912305307233

Peace SitPressWake Up London

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mohandas Gandhi

Dear friends,

Just a little message to express my deepest gratitude to those who came to sit with us in Covent Garden on Tuesday 28th June. I’m still beaming from this experience, my heart feeling so warm and wholesome from connecting with new friends on this path.

Credit: Nicolas Laborie

Some wonderful photos have been shared with us already, look here
and a couple of videos are currently being made and will be posted on here soon.

I also wanted to let you know that we were featured in yesterday’s Evening Standard newspaper on page 26!

Other mentions are in Shambhala Sun and….How amazing that our actions are being recognised like this!

A great article has also been written by Kenneth Bok.

I also wanted to let you know about the date for the NEXT one and this will be a GLOBAL meditation flash mob, coordinated with over 50 cities across the world. Together, we’ll be creating a giant world wide meditation community! So please, save this date: Thursday 28th July, evening time – exact location in London not yet decided….

Keep in touch by adding us as a friend on Facebook if you like and we’ll invite you to the next event. Or you could send us an email to wkuplondon AT to be kept updated. With thanks to MED MOB for organizing this amazing global movement.

Sending much joy and love to nourish your kind and beautiful hearts.

The Wake Up London Sangha

Peace SitVideoWake Up London

We did it!

On Thursday June 2nd 2011, people from all walks of life gathered together to meditate in the centre of Trafalgar Square.

This poem written by one meditation flash mobster describes the moment so beautifully:

“We shared a profound peace,
a still point of love and light,
radiant and eternal,
together as one,
we bathed in the sound,
as London pulsed around us
with all its indifferent bluster
and curious beauty..”
~ Sam Iamweare Spark

Check out the videos…

By Nicolas Laborie

By Phil Haslam

Thank you so much for putting together these amazing videos!

And look at the pictures here:

Watch this space for some more meditation flash mobs!

MindfulnessNews & EventsPlum VillageWake Up London

Afternoon of Mindfulness with a Monk…

When 04 June · 13:30 – 18:00
Location To be confirmed, London

The Wake Up London Sangha invites you all to a special afternoon of mindfulness with a guest monk from Plum Village! Brother Phap Lai, or Brother Ben is coming to London next week and has kindly offered to share his time and energy with our budding community.
We will probably have lunch and walking meditation in the park and then an indoor meeting where we will practice sitting meditation under the guidance of Brother Phap Lai and also listen to his dharma talk and have a question and answer session.

Exact details of times, location and activities to be announced later on…….Location-wise, it will most likely be St. James Park for the lunch and then for the indoor event, our usual meditation hall at the Friends Meeting House, near Leicester Square.

Email us to get in touch: wkuplondon

Some info on Brother Phap Lai:

Brother Phap Lai was recently on the worlds first Wake Up Universities tour in the UK in March with six other monastic students of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. His name means ‘Coming of the Dharma and he was ordained May 2002 making him the first born and bred Englishman monk of Plum Village.

He enjoys sharing the practice with young people – from children to young adults. He has run a few 4 week teenage programmes (part of the annual Summer Family Retreat) here in Plum Village.

During his 3 year stay in Deer Park, California, he enjoyed the regular college student retreats, teenage camps and weekly childrens programmes. He enjoys impromptu music jams, hanging out with his young brothers and injecting the odd dose of British humour into the community life (eg. putting on skits during the many festivals in Plum Village).

Br Phap Lai first came across Thay’s teaching at the age of 28 and immediately knew he’d struck gold. He learned how to meditate, how to become a little more mindful in daily life and very importantly how to recognize and take care of his emotions. Discovering the joy of being still and coming back to himself was a revolution. Knowing what an incredible difference it would have made had he found the practice earlier in life fires his inspiration to share with young people.

As well as tours in the US, UK and S.E.Asia with our Teacher as a one year old Dharma Teacher Br Phap Lai has conducted retreats in Israel/ Palestine and Ireland. In his previous life Br Phap Lai’s science degree landed him a wonderful job as an Environmental Protection Officer with the Scottish EPA until the even more wonderful career of a monk opened up to him. He misses the Scottish hills and rock climbing – just a wee bit.

News & EventsPeace SitWake Up London

Meditation Flash Mob in Trafalgar Square

Be the change you want to see in the world!

What: Meditation Flash Mob
When: Thursday 2nd June 6:30pm to 7:00pm
Where: Between the two fountains in Trafalgar Square, London

Meditation flash mobs have been popping up across the United States recently (check out …Let’s start one in London!

Flash Mobs are a large group of people who gather “spontaneously” in a public place, perform an unusual act then quickly disperse.

Our Goal:

1. To create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation.

2. To spread awareness of meditation to the public.

3. To come together as a community to send positive intentions out into the world.

4. To show that leading by example is the best way to lead. Simple acts can stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking


When: Thursday 2nd June 6:30pm to 7:00pm
Where: Between the two large fountains in Trafalgar Square, London

6:30pm – Arrive at Trafalgar Square

6:32pm – A female member of the Wake Up London Sangha meditation group will find a spot on the ground in between the two large fountains to sit and meditate. Please continue to look inconspicuous during this time.

6:33pm – Then feel free to join the sitting meditation at staggered times within the first 2-3 minutes.

Please do not to block any public pathways, otherwise, sit anywhere you like… spread out all over the place and lets create a profound experience.
Make sure people can still walk freely.

6.33pm to 6.53pm – Silent sitting meditation, in your own style.

6.53pm to 7pm – Sound bath: You can use any mantra or sound that connects you to the higher source within you, the universal energy of all life. Om, Ah, Ong, Nah or any other sound that calls you personally.If you choose, move closer to one another, donate your physical presence, your positive energy, your voice, use any sound or mantra that connects you to the source of your deepest wisdom.

It’s also a lot of fun and just sounds awesome to everyone around!

7pm – Disperse and walk your own separate ways. We want to confuse and bemuse the public and leave them in bewilderment as to what just happened.

What to bring: Please feel free to bring your own cushion but do not sit down on it until after 6:33pm. It will seem more spontaneous if you do not use a cushion, but for health concerns, we understand if you choose to use one.

More details will be announced…Spread the word (Sshhhh..quietly…..) Invite your friends! All are welcome, meditator or not!

And it’s free!

If you’re on Facebook, check out event here and click attend:

News & EventsWake Up London

Newcomers’ meeting – May 28th

Dear friends, it is our pleasure to announce that we will be having a special Newcomers’ Meeting on Sat 28th May at 3.30-6.00pm!

The afternoon is aimed at anyone who would like to come and try our practices (including sitting, walking and eating meditation), and to answer any questions they may have about mindfulness and meditation. There will be plenty of time for sharing, and existing sangha members will describe their experiences with different elements of the practice.

Please spread the word and invite all your friends! This is a great chance for people to learn more about mindfulness, so we look forward to seeing you there!

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Mindful content from our community

Wake Up London is a community of individuals practicing together to promote peace and reconciliation within ourselves and for our planet. We’d love to highlight what’s happening within our community, and how the practice is positively impacting our society.